Wiggle Web (A Marshwiggle's website)

     Though I shouldn't wonder if this web page doesn't work; or if nobody likes it...

     Hullo. Puddleglum's my name, but it doesn't matter if you forget it, I can always tell you again. A friend of mine who goes by the name of Aravis asked me to make a Wiggle fansite. That's what this is. A fan site for the Chronicles of Narnia, dedicated to the wit, wisdom, and ways of Marshwiggles.

    If you would like to submit a Wiggle saying, go to the "Wiggle Wisdom" page. You will find instructions there. It'll be messed up I shouldn't wonder. (Actually it's finally working again. Not for long, though, I shouldn't wonder,)

    If you don't like Marshwiggles, or you don't like Narnia, or you just don't like me, than I'm afraid this isn't the site for you. And, if you dislike reading slightly depressing sayings, you won't like Marshwiggle Wisdom. Not very cheerful, really.

    Thanks for dropping by, though. You won't be back, I shouldn't wonder. And you won't tell anyone about it either, I suppose.



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